How to date a Bat - Game Guide

Dating in real life can be hard! When you're a bat it can make things harder! 

In this guide we'll teach you how to date the bat of your dreams in Bat Café: Batrista Edition. We'll also guide you on how to get all the badges to learn about real world bats! Because learning is hotter than coco!

Willow’s Cave

You play as Willow starting the day in their home cave. You have several options at the ready;

  • Start Day
    • Head out to work 
  • Badge Collection 
    • Browse your collection of achievement badges
  • Mirror
    • Check yourself out in the mirror for more options 
  • Time Warp
    • On Day 1, you can warp yourself to Date 2 with characters you previously dated
    • On Day 2 or beyond, warp back to Day 1


You can check your Willow self out in the mirror with more options to boot!

  • Compliment
    • Up your self-esteem by complimenting yourself. Your pose and costume will change at random.
  • Edit pronouns 
    • Change Willow's identity to fit your personal preference.
  • Hot hints
    • Learn some quick gameplay tips.

Dating Days

Day 1 at the café starts with Benjamin the mailbat asking what the day's special should be. The one you chose will attract one of 3 bats to the Café:

  • Moth Mocha: Acrobat
  • Cicada Shake: Pablo
  • Cicada Shake: Iris

Depending on how the conversation goes, you can head on a date with the bat in question. A first date on the present day followed by a second date on the next day.

When the next day starts, you'll either go on your second date or pass it up. If the latter happens, the next special on the menu will appear in a looping order:

Moth Mocha > Cicada Shake > Cicada Shake > Repeat to Moth Mocha

Second Date

The final actions you make on the second date will determine what ending you get. Upon the game ending, you'll be sent back to Day 1.

Day of rest

There are a maximum of 3 work days at the Bat Café followed by the Day of rest. If you reach the last day and decide not to go on a date, Willow will celebrate their time off in peaceful solitude. The game will then reset back to Day 1.

Love bats are in the air!

Want to know the secret to everybatty’s heart? Well here's what you do:

  • Acrobat
    • On Day 1, pick the "Moth Mocha" special. 
    • Acrobat will approach the desk, eventually asking you out to the disco.
    • When given the option, choose to go up on stage with Acrobat in order to go on a second date.
  • Cleo
    • On Day 1, pick the "Moth Mocha" special. 
    • Acrobat will turn up and let you go to the disco with him, where he introduces you to Cleo.
    • When you have the choice to go up on stage, choose to dance with Cleo in order to go on a second date.
  • Pablo
    • On Day 1, pick the "Cicada Shake" special.
    • Pablo will turn up and invite you to the wrestling ring. 
  • Iris
    • On Day 1, pick the "Papaya Salad Bowl" special. 
    • Iris will turn up and invite you out for a picnic. 

How to unlock the extra date:

To unlock the extra dates campaign, you have to make it to Date 2 with all previous datable characters (Acrobat, Cleo, Pablo & Iris).  

  • You can either successfully date or reject each bat. So long as you see the credits of their campaign, you're golden.
  • Effectively, unlock badge 12. Which is done by getting Badges 1 or 2, 3 or 4, 5 or 6 and 7 or 8.

Once you've done that, you'll unlock the extra date. The "Start Day 1" Option will change its icon to Esther's face and read "Start Extra Date". When you start Day 1 as usual, a forth special will be listed: "Extra Dates". Selecting this will start the new date!

The date will happen over the course of 3 in-game days and feature a story starring Esther & Benjamin. You can end up dating either of them by the end of Day 3, shortly after picking the winner of the Cosplay Contest.

Badge Guide

  • Badge 01
    • Get together with Acrobat
    • On date 2 with Acrobat, end up taking pictures with him
  • Badge 02
    • Get Acrobat back with Cleo
    • On date 2 with Acrobat, end up saving the card for later
  • Badge 03
    • Get together with Cleo
    • On date 2 with Cleo, end up taking pictures with her
  • Badge 04
    • Get Cleo back with Acrobat
    • On date 2 with Cleo, end up saving the card for later
  • Badge 05
    • Become Pablo & Pat's Agent
    • On date 2 with Pablo, tell him and Pat that you want to be their Agent
  • Badge 06
    • Get Pablo & Pat together 
    • On date 2 with Pablo, tell him and Pat that they're made for each other
  • Badge 07
    • Get together with Iris
    • On date 2 with Iris, end up accepting her proposal 
  • Badge 08
    • Part ways with Iris
    • On date 2 with Iris, end up rejecting her

Additional Badges

  • Badge 09
    • Time Warp for the first time. The Time Warp option unlocks after your first date.  Using it to go forward or back in time unlocks it.
  • Badge 10
    • This unlocks upon going on your first date. You probably haven't started the game yet if this hasn't been unlocked!
  • Badge 11
    • Reach the "Day of Rest" by skipping all dating opportunities. This is still valid even if you go on a first date and decide to skip the second date at the start of the day.
  • Badge 12
    • Finish Acrobat, Cleo, Pablo & Iris Date 2.
    • Effectively, get Badges 1 or 2, 3 or 4, 5 or 6 and 7 or 8.
  • Badge 13
    • Finish the Extra Date, either with Esther or Benjamin.
  • Badge 14
    • At the end of the Extra Date, choose Benjamin as your date.
  • Badge 15
    • At the end of the Extra Date, choose Esther as your date.
  • Badge 16
    • This one is unlocked by gathering all previous badges! Now you know all there is to learn about bats!


For the most disloyal of bats, there are cheat codes to help in faking it through to the end! 

To activate the cheats, visit the Mirror and tap the correct amount of Compliments, followed by the correct number of Hints, then pressing the Back button.

  • Skip to the Extra Date (12 compliments, 12 hints).
  • The worst Easter egg of all time (6 compliments, 3 hints).
  • All badges (16 compliments, 16 hints).


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